Friday, December 13, 2013

"In the affairs of this world, men are saved not by faith, but by the want of it."--Benjamin Franklin

As children, our desire for presents required us to not get on Santa's naughty list.  We behaved, because we had faith--that Santa existed, that he knew "if you've been bad or good" so we were "good, for goodness sake."  Presto: Presents!
Like children, when we long for a desired result but can't reach our goal, we might look for help outside of ourselves, perhaps thinking there is something more powerful "out there" that might work in our behalf.  We decide to have faith, changing our behavior for the sake of that powerful being, maybe becoming better people as a result, hoping for help in reaching our goal.
Maybe we reach the goal that prompted our behavior change. Maybe not, but perhaps the end result-becoming better people ("saved" according to Ben)--is enough.

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