Saturday, January 4, 2014

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced."-- Vincent Van Gogh

From the opposite end of the spectrum--the idea that an artist can't help but do art--is the idea that art is an act of defiance against all the negative voices in our heads that keep us from living our potential.
Images of other people's art are so easily accessible.  From Utube videos of marvelous dancers, gorgeous visual art available on uncountable websites, wonderful musical performances heard through our headphones and high-level acting seen on our Ipads, the plethora of truly fine art available to us is both inspiring and intimidating--but they all lack a major component: your vision.
Don't let yourself be stopped by spurious comparisons. Do the art you want to see in the world. No one else can.

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